Anti-Greenwash Charter

Anti-Greenwash Charter


Press Release: We are proud to launch 'Tell The Truth: A campaign for honesty in the built environment'- sign up and join us!



Tell The Truth - a campaign for honesty in the built environment: Produced for architects, engineers and journalists, Bennetts Associates’ new charter encourages a collective stance against greenwash tactics. At its core the charter examines common ‘sustainability’ themes, with clear rules to improve transparency and honesty and prevent greenwash. The first signatories include members of the Built Environment B Corp group. 

Read the full charter here.

Anti-Greenwash Charter

Anti-Greenwash Charter

Anti-Greenwash Charter

"Concerns around climate change are increasingly widespread and there is a collective sense of responsibility to improve processes and construction methods. Unfortunately, it has become easy to imply sustainable ambition without evidencing this to allow proper scrutiny. This charter seeks to address this.

- Peter Fisher, Director, Bennetts Associates

Sign up to the campaign and we will add your organisation's name to the charter. Unless otherwise advised we will add names after 2 months to give time for any updates required to public content

Anti-Greenwash Charter