Set within a new public realm alongside the Regent’s Canal, Tribeca is a mixed-use development that will deliver over 1m sq. ft state-of-the-art flexible new labspace-to-workspace at the heart of London’s biotech cluster helping innovators compete in the fight for talent.
To optimize the workspace for labs, we've developed hybrid base buildings featuring a structural grid that allows a variety of lab and office configurations. Additionally, the servicing strategy enables a blend of uses, integrating additional riser space zones within core areas and the enlarged roof plant enclosure accommodates lab ventilation systems. The scheme will support vibrant retail, restaurants, and residential spaces, providing a place to connect, innovate, and relax within a network of excellence.
Tribeca replaces a large and monolithic 1980s sorting office – previously referred to as the Ugly Brown Building by its occupants. The full masterplan features six mixed-use buildings connected by pedestrian routes and public space that will also reopen access to the canal edge for the first time in 150 years.
Read more about Earth Blocks here.